Scan-Speak Discovery D2604/833000 1" Textile Dome Tweeter
The Discovery series offer traditional design, superior sound, a solid construction, and a wide range of variants. Combining these elements - plus a wealth of technical features and finesses - it gives our customers the possibility of acquiring a tailor-made Scan-Speak solution with very good performance at a reasonable low price point!
Specifications: Compliance Equivalent Volume (Vas): 0.0007 ft.³ • BL Product (BL): 2.2 Tm • Mechanical Compliance of Suspension (Cms): 0.27 mm/N • Diaphragm Mass Inc. Airload (Mms): 0.42 g • Maximum Linear Excursion (Xmax): 0.3 mm • Surface Area of Cone (Sd): 8 cm2